I don’t know about you, but I am seriously busy.

There’s never enough time in the day to get it all done, is there? It’s all one big juggling act where you’re balancing work, hobbies, family, and whatever else it is that’s important to you.

Even if you’ve got a task list, it’s all too easy to lose track of things. Over time, the list gets forgotten or stuffed in the back of a drawer somewhere, and you’re right back where you started.

Maybe you’re a really good juggler, and you keep those balls in the air for a long time – but if you’re constantly adding more balls, you’re inevitably going to drop a few.

You might be awesome at multitasking, but you can’t spread your attention too thin forever. You’ll slip up at work and lose a client, forget a friend’s birthday, or make a huge mistake that costs you a ton of money.

People just weren’t designed to keep up the endless rat race like that. Something always suffers in one way or another.

That nonstop juggling act was my life – until I discovered bullet journaling and learned how to prioritize the things that mattered most.

How would you like to get your to-do list under control and send your productivity through the roof? I’m here to tell you how you can do just that thanks to the power of bullet journaling.

What Exactly is Bullet Journaling?

Writing person

“The List” technique I talk about here comes from a fantastic book called “The Bullet Journal Method” by Ryder Carroll. Basically, bullet journaling is a system that enables you to:

  • Prioritize tasks based on importance
  • Stay organized with lists of manageable tasks
  • Improve your mindfulness
  • Solidify ideas into action steps
  • Set and reach goals

Ready to make your own bullet journal? Let’s jump right in.

Get It All Out There

To get started, all you need is a notebook and a pencil or pen. I know that’s a little old-school, but these gadgets are a major source of distraction, and writing does help with your memory. When you’re writing your list, focus time is key.

Now that you’ve got your notebook, go to a blank page and make three columns. In the first column, write down everything you’re doing right now. This can include work-related tasks, hobbies, any personal commitments you have, and so on.

In column two, jot down stuff that you’re not doing yet, but you should be doing. Maybe your water heater needs fixing, and you’ve been putting it off because you’re too busy, for example. Or you need to book a meeting with a client before they lose interest and run off to your competitor.

In the last column, write down everything you want to do. This could be a new hobby you’d like to try or a dream vacation you’ve been planning to take for years.

Have you written it all down? Let’s move on to the next step.

Rodney Warner

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Bullet Journal Method

Rodney discusses how he learned to crush his goals with the bullet journal method.

Watch Video

Does It Really Matter?

Confusing women

For each item on the list, ask yourself: Is this thing vital? Do you need to do that thing right away? Urgent tasks like these can stay on the list.

Next, look at each item on your list and ask: Does this matter? These items are things you need or want to do, but you could put them off until later. Keep them on your list, too.

What if an item doesn’t really matter? Get rid of it. Cross it off your list and move on. You’re busy, and you don’t have time for stuff that simply doesn’t matter.

From here, separate your notebook into four sections: an index plus a log for daily, monthly, and future events.

Your index works just like the index of a book. It’s a place for you to keep track of all the items on your list, reminders, appointments, ideas, and much more. Write down all the events you decided to keep when making your list here.

Use the daily log to keep track of stuff you need to do each day so you can make sure things get done when they should. Keep tasks that you won’t get to in the next month in your future log. You can move these to the daily or monthly log whenever you’d like.

Staying on Task

Persong doing her task

Now we’re getting into the meat of bullet journaling. For each log, make three new sections titled events, tasks, and notes.

The task section serves as your to-do list. Put a bullet next to each task, and when you complete it, write an “X” over the bullet. This is great for helping you visualize your accomplishments.

If you need to reschedule something, like a complex task that’s too time-consuming, put a little mark next to the bullet. You can use an arrow or any other mark you want, just as long as you remember what it’s for. Move those tasks into the monthly or future log when you can.

Want to Change Your Life for the Better? Try the List Method!

I hope I’ve convinced you of the power of bullet journaling. If your life seems like one endless to-do list, check it out! It’s the perfect tool for staying on top of what matters – and cutting out the things that don’t.

Rodney Warner

Founder & CEO

As the Founder and CEO, he is the driving force behind the company’s vision, spearheading all sales and overseeing the marketing direction. His role encompasses generating big ideas, managing key accounts, and leading a dedicated team. His journey from a small town in Upstate New York to establishing a successful 7-figure marketing agency exemplifies his commitment to growth and excellence.

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