Here are some of the best business law firm websites for your web design inspiration! Click through for a quick preview or scroll down to read more.

Businesses need to have an easily accessible, well-designed website to stay relevant in the modern, digital age. Business law firms are no exception; however, building an effective website for a business attorney or law firm can be challenging.

Business lawyers need to sound buttoned-up in professional settings. Their primary trade is guiding business owners through standard regulations to ensure that their company runs smoothly, and their work should reflect that.

A business law firm’s website should balance the expected professionalism with a friendly and inviting style to attract potential clients. The most effective law firm website designs find ways to ensure that their prospective clients can trust them with a sensitive subject like business law while clearly explaining legal situations in an honest and accessible way.

Some of the best business lawyer website designs. Here’s why:

1) BCF Avocats



Highlights:  Clean design | Clear brand vision | Animations

Some of the best business law firm websites use a clean design that displays a clear brand vision. I like how this site uses simple circles as the primary accents for the branding and the informational points across the page. I also enjoy that they’re animated a bit when I hover over them. The site is pleasing to interact with.

This layout ties everything together so nicely. The circular design of these points shows that a little bit of attention to branding style can go a long way in website cohesion.  Simplicity also plays a big role in making this page so attractive and engaging.

2) Bick Law

Bick Law Website


Highlights: Imagery | Toggles | Clean

The Bick Law site puts an interesting spin on the changing visuals in the header. It’s definitely not what I expect when clicking onto a legal site, but it’s actually quite refreshing and quirky in its own manner. The menu has easy hover dropdowns that feature a nice, strong contrast that’s visually pleasing.

The overall layout is clean and engaging, with thoughtful details that elevate the content presentation. The toggle design element had the addition of a fun, colorful highlight before I clicked it to reveal more information. Some other elements only require a hover to reveal more about the firm’s team, which adds a nice touch.

3) HG Lawyers

HG Lawyers


Highlights: Colors | Key visual | Straightforward

This straightforward site keeps things short and sweet. The theme consistently uses a hover feature over the images, with the occasional addition of teaser text that introduces us to each topic. As you scroll, the page keeps a subscribe button in view at all times, which is a helpful feature.

The color choices are consistent throughout the whole page, including the website’s photo and video selections. This unified feeling is a lovely design choice because the imagery, text, and background feel like they belong together. The cohesive style of the website design plays a vital role in how the law firm introduces itself online.

4) Osborne Clarke

Osborne Clarke Website


Highlights: Iconography | Colors | Well structured

This website’s design is an excellent example of how some of the best business law firm websites are really well-structured and attractive. Each design element draws attention in a smooth line from section to section. Every page element also complements the overall color scheme, whether it’s the text, buttons, background, or the iconography.

The icons are well done on this site, too. They’re similar in design and draw attention to key points of interest. Some of these points are interactive, like the expandable panels just below the header image. This interactivity is a fun way for the firm to engage with potential clients and doesn’t feel distracting.

5) Adams IP

Adams IP Website



Highlights: Colors | Fonts | Well structured

The first thing that sets this page apart from the rest is the immediate appearance of a chat box. I like the way this website design encourages easy and immediate contact with the firm. The color scheme also felt a little more playful than on other sites.

The colorful presentation is creative and enjoyable while providing a strong contrast for the font choices throughout the page. The serif fonts are classy, attention-grabbing headers that direct your attention to clean san-serif calls to action. They provide a nice touch that helps structure the page layout, in addition to the stylish expandable/collapsible text elements.

6) Counsel for Creators

Counsel For Creators Website


Highlights: Clean | Colors | Fonts

This website design is very clean and instantly relates to the firm’s specific area of practice. Once again, the addition of an instant chat box makes me feel like contacting the firm since it is easy. The color choices are simple and minimal while still feeling warm and welcoming.

The fonts for this page are easy to read, with adequate spacing in the open areas of each letter. The letterform spacing is important because it can appear to shift on different sizes of screens. These subtle website design choices can have significant impacts in unexpected ways, so take care to choose your fonts as this website did.

7) DAHL Law Firm

DAHL Lawfirm


Highlights: Unique layout | Modern | Colors | Fonts

This unique website layout maintains my interest with a visually-striking modern design approach. I enjoy the way the vertical text sets off each information section, which is a more creative way to approach the website design than with other sites I’ve seen.

The color choices are clean, classy, and simple, with a white background and black and copper fonts, along with a few touches of green. The simplicity and modern vibes continue with minimal text areas that carry “read more” links to make it easier for interested clients to find more information on the specific areas of expertise in the law firm.

8) Wilson Sonsini

Wilson Sonsini Website


Highlights: Modern | Colors | Fonts

This modern website design was eye-catching, thanks to the immediate image transition as soon as I began to scroll. The page very cleanly separates each chunk of information that the firm’s ideal clients might find useful, and it heightens the definition between each area of expertise.

The color selection utilizes blue and orange text and accents over a white background. These colors are significant associations for a law firm that wants to come off as friendly, reliable, and competent. The fonts throughout this website play with size and color in a visually exciting style that also highlights essential information and on-site links. Nicely done!

9) Bevilacqua

Bevilacqua Website


Highlights: Colors | Fonts | Layout

Here, I can definitely see the benefit of the way some of the best business law firm websites choose to limit their palettes to a particular set of colors. This page manages to not feel like a repeat of other sites because the shades of blue integrate nicely between the branding and the text, which creates a delightful cohesion of style.

The font selection is appealing and easy to read, with large print and overall high contrast between the background and the text itself. The website layout is bold and features animated sections that pop up as you scroll down the page. The most critical sections of information have brighter tones that quickly caught my eye.

10) Pelekis Law

pelekis law firm estate planning 20230907 202556 1


Highlights: Modern | Colors | Fonts

This site shows how some of the best business law firm websites can use animated imagery in their backgrounds to help draw attention to the most significant information they want to share with potential clients. This website successfully applies these text and photo animations throughout the entire page in an appealing manner.

This site also relies on simple and modern aesthetics to communicate its sensible website design style. The black text provides a nicely defined high contrast to the white and tan backgrounds, which improves overall readability without feeling overly styled or overwhelming.

11) Jimerson Birr



Highlights: Custom video | Graphics | Copy

One of the most unique parts of the Jimerson Birr front page is the use of a full-page video background. The video portrays a bustling highway intersection that ties in with their main heading, “at the intersection of Business & Law”.

The page also features a deep blue-green, black and gray color palette that conveys a great contrast of elements. The mixing of serif and sans serif is quite well throughout the entire site.

12) Montague Law



Highlights: Vibrant color | Graphics | Icons


The Montague Law website features a vibrant color pallet of purple, magenta and orange, where parts of the homepage are animated as you scroll, highlighting the ensueing sections of the page. This website has outstanding SEO content, highlighting news articles and blogs about current events in law.

Thus, clients can trust that this firm is staying up-to-date with U.S. law. Even the typography is SEO-oriented! Their custom photography and graphics add to the professional look and feel of this top-notch law website.

What makes a great business law firm web design?

Designing a website for a business law firm would be tricky enough if all you needed to do were to find a way to balance a professional tone with a warm one—but it can get even more complex than that.

The best law firm websites hit those two competing tones perfectly while addressing other important aspects as well. They emphasize search engine optimization (SEO) so that their websites are easy for people to find. They use compelling and dynamic imagery, including enough text and features to answer a client’s questions.

Many elements go into creating an effective website, but you don’t need to be a master of web design to create the perfect business law firm website. With a few quick lessons on a handful of design topics, you can build a website that matches the tone of your law firm and looks professionally made.

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Color choice

Of course, you want your website to be visually pleasing. If the first thing potential clients see when they visit your site is one bright, neon color that their eyes can’t handle, they are bound to turn away in favor of the next business law firm website they can find.

Selecting a pleasing color that matches your brand is essential. However, it is far from the only thing to consider when deciding on a color scheme. Different colors can spark a variety of emotions. For example, many people associate red with passion and action, while blue evokes tranquility and peace.

When designing a legal website, keeping color associations in mind can help make the site more effective. That way, when people consider your law firm’s brand and website, the emotions you want readers to associate with your practice will come to mind subconsciously.

For business law, people typically associate colors like gray and black with professionalism and authority. These are typically a solid choice for a primary color scheme, and colors people associate with calm and warmth like blue, orange, and pink can be exceptional secondary colors.

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A website’s typography is similar to its color scheme. You want to select a font and font size for your standard text that is easy to read and easy on the eyes.

Be sure to remember that people will access your website in a variety of ways. While you might build the entire site on a desktop computer where your text appears clear and large enough for potential clients to read comfortably, it might come across as clunky or confusing on a smaller screen.

A handful of standard font options are staples of professional use, but those can become forgettable with overuse. Make sure that your visual style is not the same as your competitors’ but that you maintain a respected professional font or typeface (you can Google the best professional fonts for this year). The font styles you choose will help to shape the readers’ perception of your law firm.

You should vary your font sizes to distinguish between headlines and body text. Be sure to place ample space between lines of text and limit paragraphs to no more than a few lines of text, with ample ‘white space’ around them. These principles can ensure that your website is easy to read.

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One of the most effective ways to communicate who you are and what your law firm handles is bold and memorable imagery.

Compelling imagery on a website can range anywhere from photos to simple icons to infographics. Still, the most effective type of imagery for a business law website is the meaningful use of photography.

The best law firm websites include portraits of the attorneys and their teams, images of their office space, and photos of them in action answering phone calls, talking, or plugging away on paperwork.

With clearly displayed photos on your website, potential customers will immediately understand who you are, what you do, and how hard you work—all without needing to read through lots of through text to find that information.

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Once you’ve designed your business law site with the appropriate color and font scheme and imagery, it needs to convey all the vital information about your practice clearly and concisely

Even if the site is engaging to look at, if it doesn’t contain details about who you are and the services you provide, potential clients will click away in favor of a law firm that can represent their team through straightforward text.

Your written text should cover as much ground as possible, answering frequently asked questions about business law in simple terms that clients will understand.

When discussing the specifics of your business, be sure to find ways to summarize confusing topics clearly. People will lose focus if they see a massive wall of text, but keeping your paragraphs short, surrounded by white space, and using bullet points wherever possible can help keep clients engaged.

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Clear calls to action

Once you’ve gotten people to engage with your law firm’s website, you need to let them know what to do next.

Expert web designers and content writers know how to effectively use calls to action that will guide people to your website’s most essential pages. For example, they might direct potential clients to your contact information to schedule a meeting or to a page about your specific areas of practice.

Regardless of where the calls to action take your website’s visitors, they should direct traffic to the most important areas.

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Website features

While your business law site likely won’t have as many features as a retail website, many of the best law sites include a healthy variety of pages containing a range of helpful information as well as essential information about your firm. Digital marketing experts will recommend that your site include a blog where you regularly publish informational pages about different issues related to your practice.

Some of the essential pages you should consider would be:

  • A dedicated contact information page
  • A page for customer testimonials
  • An About Us page with a biography of you and your team members

Whatever features you choose to include should contain information for potential clients to learn more about you and the legal issues with which you deal.

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Contact information

One of the biggest frustrations that might cause people to click away from your website would be the inability to find your contact information.

One of the easiest ways to address that potential issue is a comprehensive page dedicated to contact information. This page could include multiple phone numbers for potential clients to contact you or your office, an email address, a physical address, and hours of operation so people know when they can get in touch.

However, it is often a good idea to go the extra mile when displaying contact information. Of course, having a page with your phone number that is easy to find will do the job, but showing that number at the bottom of every page with a call to action to get in touch can ensure that nobody misses it.

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Great SEO

The secret to building a well-optimized website is to make your site rank at the top of search results for prospective clients seeking services you offer and in your location. Even the most informative and visually engaging website might not appear in a search if the site builder does not use a solid SEO strategy.

When creating the website for your business law firm, be sure to do so with an idea of what keywords people will enter into a search engine for your services. Using that knowledge can help you ensure that your page will be one of the first results they see.

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Creating the perfect business law firm website

Building an engaging website is vital for business law firms to bring in new clients, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to pull off.

Attorneys attempting their own website design often have the challenging task of blending multiple tones and styles in the writing of their pages while also learning traditional design elements on the fly. Unfortunately, without any help, those websites will often be ineffective and leave clients looking for legal assistance elsewhere.

While you do not need to be a web design expert to build an effective business law firm website, it helps to have some professional help. Unless you want to devote your time to learning SEO marketing and design principles, you may decide that your time would be better spent working on legal issues. If so, consider calling in the marketing pros to help you create impactful digital marketing for your law firm today.

Rodney Warner

Founder & CEO

As the Founder and CEO, he is the driving force behind the company’s vision, spearheading all sales and overseeing the marketing direction. His role encompasses generating big ideas, managing key accounts, and leading a dedicated team. His journey from a small town in Upstate New York to establishing a successful 7-figure marketing agency exemplifies his commitment to growth and excellence.

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